Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Minneapolis and St. Paul Police Chiefs Respond to Arizona-Type Legislation

Minneapolis and Saint Paul Police Chiefs respond to proposed
Minnesota legislation for Arizona-style immigration law

As the police chiefs for Minnesota?' two largest cities, we oppose
HF3830, the Arizona-style legislation recently introduced in the
Minnesota House of Representatives that pushes local law enforcement
officers to the front line on matters of immigration.

Community policing is a core value and clear priority in the cities
we serve. It is through partnership with people and communities that
our cities are made safer, because partnership builds trust and
communication. Our officers have worked hard to build relationships
of trust with our residents, especially new Americans, and these
partnerships have helped us bring down crime in both Minneapolis and
Saint Paul over the past several years.

We believe that mobilizing local police to serve as primary
enforcers of federal immigration laws will throw up barriers of
mistrust and cause a chilling effect in immigrant communities,
impairing our ability to build partnerships and engage in
problem-solving that improves the safety of all members of the
community. The culture of fear that this bill will instill in
immigrant communities will keep victims of crime and people with
information about crime from coming forward, and that will endanger
all residents.

It is a mistake for our state to try to fix our nation's immigration
system. We urge Minnesota lawmakers and the people of our state to
join with us in denouncing HF3830. We believe this bill runs
contrary to the values of community policing and problem-solving
that the people we serve have rightly demanded and it will make our
communities less safe.

Tim Dolan John M. Harrington
Thomas Smith
Chief of Police Chief of Police
Chief of Police Designee
City of Minneapolis City of Saint Paul
City of Saint Paul

Sgt Jesse Garcia III Minneapolis Police Department Public Information Officer
(cellular) 612-919-9023

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Immigration Research and Facts

The First Three Things to Read:
10 Myths About Immigration

What You Ned to Know if your State is Considering Arizona SB1070-Type Legislation

How to Build a Nation of Neighbors

Other sources for information on Immigration and the US

The Advocates for Human Rights -- Minneapolis-based human rights organization. Some of their work addresses the needs of immigrant communities in the state of Minnesota

American Immigration Lawyers Association -- in-depth analysis of legal issues faced by immigrants

Migration Policy Institute -- Research Reports on US immigration Policy

Immigration Policy Institute -- Non-partisan DC-based research institute that often provides experts to Capital Hill to consult on immigration issues.

Brooking Institute -- Research institute that covers a wide-range of policy issues. This link goes straight to their immigration section.

The Urban Institute -- Research institute that analyzes urban issues. This link goes straight to their immigration section.

Immigration Coalition

Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota

Immigration Issues in the News

Police Investigations of Immigration Issues in Minnesota
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Members of the Committee

Bob Grytdhal -- Human Rights Commission
Susana Pelayo-Woodward -- Office of Cultural Diversity and Multicultural Center
Adam Pine -- UMD Geography
Joie Acheson Lee -- UMD, Kirby Student Cente
Cruz Mendoza -- Duluth Public Schools
Adam Ritscher -- Socialist Action
Steve O'Neil -- St. Louis County Commissioner
Gail Schoenfelder
Lyn Clark Pegg -- Peace United Church of Christ
Joel Kilgour

Groups That Have Signed On

Community Action Duluth
YWCA of Duluth
Latino / Chicano Student Association (UMD)
Women's Studies Department (UMD)
NAACP -- Duluth Branch
African Americans Men's Group
Students for Peace (UMD)
Black Student Association (UMD)
Students Promoting Awareness through Teaching (SPAT)
Pilgrim Church Social Justice Committee
Pilgrim Church Council
United Steelworkers Local 9460
Northland Anti-War Coalition
UMD Students for Peace
CSS Center for Just Living
Twin Ports School of the Americas Watch
CSS United for Africa
CSS Earth Action
Socialist Action
Youth for Socialist Action
Lake Superior Greens
Community Action Duluth,
Clayton, Jackson, McGhie Inc.
Duluth League of Woman Voters
Duluth Human Rights Commission
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth
UMD Latino/Chicano Association
Peace United Church of Christ

Duluth Minnesota 2010 Immigration Resolution

Duluth Immigration Rights Coalition / September 9, 2010

We, a community formed of indigenous peoples, the descendants of people forced here in slavery, the descendants of refugees and asylum seekers, and the descendants of immigrants, stand together at this time to voice our support of this resolution as an expression of our understanding of the human rights issues facing current immigrants to our country.

WHEREAS we hold these truths to be self evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, and

WHEREAS residents of Duluth, Minnesota recognize that the government of the United States of America, of our state and of our city were founded by immigrants who traveled here seeking safety for their loved ones and a better way of life, and

WHEREAS residents of Duluth, Minnesota recognize that we urgently need federal legislation to correct glaring failures within our current immigration system, that we must recognize the crucial contributions immigrants continue to make to our community and nation, that we must protect ALL workers from mistreatment, that we value and must promote reunification of families, and that we must restore due process protections to all, and

WHEREAS Arizona's SB 1070 and MN House File 3830 wrongfully place our law enforcement officers on the front line in matters of federal immigration enforcement, and threatens relationships of trust with Duluth residents, and

WHEREAS Duluth residents will NOT condone or participate in the racial profiling of our residents,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we call for meaningful federal immigration policies that are consistent with civil rights for all people, with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America, and that we treat all residents of Duluth, Minnesota with dignity and respect regardless of appearance, creed or religion, and institute humane and inclusive policies for all,

AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we stand in opposition to Arizona's SB 1070, and call for the resounding defeat of MN House File 3830.